Cartagena — “de Indias”, to differentiate it from its namesake in Spain — is definitely the jewel of the Caribbean. The “Ciudad Amurallada” (Walled City), also called the “Centro Histórico” (Historic Center) or “Ciudad Vieja” (Old City), is a maze of streets steeped in history and filled with beautiful colonial architecture, many buildings with balconies overflowing with flowers. There are lively squares, museums, churches, shops, art, culture, history….Not far away are a variety of beaches & islands with associated water sports such as snorkeling, diving, fishing, kite surfing, and more.
Wondering where to stay in while visiting Cartagena? We of course recommend the Old City–after all, that’s what is special about Cartagena! But read about the various neighborhoods in Cartagena Explorer’s guide to help you decide what is best for you!
Learn more at the various drop down menus above under Cartagena or via these links:
Practical Cartagena & Casa Barbara FAQs
Cartagena & Colombia helpful links
Get a visual taste of “La Heróica” in this video: