Going to the beach in Cartagena? Great! You’ll likely be approached with various offers while there. If you decide to buy a service or drink, make sure you confirm prices ahead of time so you don’t get overcharged. As of September 2022, there is a list of established rates for Playa Blanca, Baru. In the past, there were also established rates for the beaches of Cartagena, but no longer. The last time rates were set were before the pandemic; to give you an idea (although costs have risen quite a bit since 2019 as we know), at that time this is what they were:
2019-20 Prices
– Double tent with four chairs/Carpa doble de cuatro sillas: $34,000
– Single tent with two chairs/Carpa sencilla con dos sillas: $17,000
– Umbrella with two chairs/Sombrilla con dos sillas: $23,000
– Umbrella with two lounge chairs/Sombrilla con dos asoleadoras: $34,000
– Lounge chair/Asoleadora: $14,000
– Plastic table/Mesa plástica: $5,000
– Plastic chair/Silla plástica: $5,000
– Complete Massage/30 min/Masaje completo: $52,000
– Braids/Trenzas: $35-$40,000 (depends on hairlength)
– Individual Braid/Trenza individual: $21-$25,000 (depends on hairlength)
– Bottle of water/Botella de agua: $4,000
– Soda/Gaseosa: $3,500
– Natural juice/Jugo natural: $7,000
– Lemonade/Limonada: $8,000
– Beer/Cervezas: $5,000 & up (depending on the brand/dependiendo de la marca)
– Mojito: $18,000
– Piña colada: $18,000
– Coco Loco: $27,500
-Oysters/Ostras: $2,100 each/c.u.
-Full crab/Jaiba completa: $4,000 each/c.u.